Seagulls Can, On Ocassion, Cause Harm To Humans

Seagulls, like any wild animal, have the potential to harm humans, although such incidents are relatively rare and typically occur mostly by accident. Here is a list of ways in which seagulls could potentially cause harm to us.

Aggressive Behaviour:

Especially during the breeding season, seagulls are a bird pest and may become territorial and aggressive when defending their nests and chicks. If we humans are near them and inadvertently approach their nesting areas, seagulls may perceive that as a threat to their Chicks and become very aggressive and territorial and go for us. It does not matter how big you are they will have a go, which can be quite scary!

Food Aggression:

Seagulls are opportunistic feeders and are difficult to scare away and may become aggressive when competing for their food, particularly in areas where human food sources are abundant. In crowded settings such as outdoor dining areas or beaches, seagulls can exhibit aggressive behaviours in their pursuit of food scraps. Do not ever feed them and fly a Scarem Hawk Kite would help keep the Seagulls away.

Accidental Injury:

Collisions: on beaches or schools or in urban areas with dense seagull populations, collisions between seagulls and humans beings or vehicles may occur, potentially resulting in injury to both parties. These collisions can happen when seagulls fly low or unexpectedly change direction, so flying a Scarem Hawk Kite in these areas can drastically reduce the problem.

Dropped Objects:

Seagulls may inadvertently drop objects such as food scraps, shells, or nesting materials from above, posing a risk of injury to individuals below, particularly if the objects are large or heavy. They can also droop shells on boats in an effort to break them to provide a quick meal. This has the added problem of making boat deck slippery adding to the risk of falling overboard. Flying a Scarem Marine will help keep your boat deck free of Seagull dropping and shells debris and prevent a lot of scrubbing..

Disease Transmission:

Zoonotic Diseases:
While seagulls themselves are not significant causes of disease transmission to humans, their droppings may harbour bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens that can pose health risks if humans come into contact with contaminated surfaces or inhale airborne particles. Diseases such as Salmonella, E. coli, and Cryptococcus neoformans have been associated with seagull droppings in certain cases so trying to scare the birds away with Hawk deterrents, wires and noises can save a lot of scrubbing!!

Property Damage
Nesting Habits:** Seagulls may cause property damage by nesting on rooftops, ledges, and other structures, leading to accumulation of droppings, debris, and nesting materials. Over time, this can result in structural damage, corrosion, and aesthetic issues, especially to thatched roofing. Flying a Scarem Hawk Complete or Scarem Vineyard Complete (with a long pole of ten metres) would help protect your property from bird damage.

While the likelihood of harm from seagulls is generally low, it’s essential to exercise caution and respect wild animals’ space and behaviour, particularly in areas where seagull populations are dense or breeding activity is present. Avoiding direct interaction with seagulls, avoiding feeding them, and being mindful of their nesting areas can help minimise the risk of conflicts or harm. It is also worth bearing in mind that it is illegal to move a nest whilst it is in use, so it is a good idea to get out there before they start breeding and clear any old nests from last season to take away as much temptation as possible from the Gulls to come back to your property. When the area is clean, put up a few Hawk Kites or Delta Kites so that they can patrol the sky above to nesting sites to help to stop the Seagulls from returning.

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